August 12th was officially #WorldElephantDay and just a little over a week before that was the New York City Ivory Crush, where nearly 2 tons of illegal ivory was confiscated and destroyed [...]
The project is managed by the Chyulu Hills Conservation Trust, a coalition of government, community and NGO partners including the Kenya Wildlife Service, Kenya Forest Service, Maasai Wilderness [...]
Conservation International (CI) launches its Carbon Footprint Calculator, a tool to calculate your carbon footprint and reduce it by purchasing what’s called an “offset.” One beneficiary of these [...]
Our first aerial wildlife count of the year was conducted on May 14th 2017. Two teams of five headed out early that morning in two Cessna 206s to cover a distance of 800 miles/1300km over the [...]
If you haven’t read our article on our breakdown of how CITES works you can read it by clicking: All things CITES and CoP17. In more recent news, the 183 parties (countries) participating [...]
Thanks for Wall Street International for the feature! Read it online by clicking the photo below or go to:! To learn more about the [...]
This may be the biggest conservation event going on right now and we want you to be in the know of it all. The International wildlife trade is estimated to be worth billions of dollars, [...]