Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.
– Nelson Mandela –
Access to quality education is a major challenge in parts of Kenya due to insufficient school infrastructure and an acute shortage of teachers.
MWCT, partnering with the Ministry of Education, pursues the improvement of enrollment, retention, completion, and transition rates, along with ensuring the continuity of certain aspects of Maasai culture while instilling environmental conservation awareness.
How do we achieve these goals? MWCT employs 61 certified teachers across 27 schools, as well as 13 school support staff in various capacities, reaching over 10,000 students.
Our scholarship program has so far benefited 64 students and counting.
MWCT constructed 8 classrooms, a 2 bedroom headteacher’s house, a modern library complete with books and computers, and provided piped water and solar power to Iltilal Primary School, and hopes to replicate this provision of infrastructure across the rest of Kuku when funds are available.
MWCT additionally provides school supplies, and support for extracurricular activities, school clubs, and sports clubs.